Performer Flying Motion Control

The Raynok Motion Control System provides seamless, precise, repeatable and safe movement of aerial artists. Performer flying with Raynok is made easy with segmented cueing so that every stunt, flip, loop, turn, lift, decent and jump can be created and recalled in and out of sequence during rehearsals and performances.

Aerial artistry demands a system of control algorithms that work in tandem with the flyer. These algorithms allow the operator to create seamless transitions between cue segments and execute pendulum cancellations without any additional effort or cause of concern from the Users.

With Raynok, the Creative Team has the necessary tools to develop the choreography on screen before the Aerialist takes the stage. Raynok R3D enhances the work of the Aerialist allowing them to explore new ideas, express the emotion of their character and engage the audience in the magic of human flight.

Sometimes the tools we most prefer simply provide us with a clear, and quick way to execute our goal, while other times, we need our tools to provide us the inspiration to create something more… something very special.

The Raynok Motion Control System fulfills the needs, the strategies, and much more.

When you require a Motorized Performer Flight system that has a user-friendly interface to build and execute aerial artistry you can count on the Raynok. It is built to take instruction with flawless repeatability.


Raynok Motion is Built to Inspire

Sit with our system, understand its capabilities, feel its power. We have, as we say, “engineered the art of motion”. Raynok is focused on the needs of the Creative Team to deliver confidence to the Aerialist. The system will always deliver on your needs and what you expect, but the forte of where Raynok shines, is how it works with you.

To an Aerialist, the routine speed, altitude, direction or flight trajectories must feel comfortable and natural. There must be 100% confidence in the system’s precision and repeatability. This trusted feel and knowledge allows the artist to make slight and subtle nuance flight changes, making the artist more comfortable and the audience more engaged in the awe of flight.

Raynok understands the complicated relationship between creation, the artist, and the control system. It is a very real thing where together they explore the beauty of human flight in a 3D space.

Precise, Inspiring, Repeatable, and Tough. Call us to learn more

Performer Flying 

Raynok Motion Control Video

This is a short video that highlights several features of the Raynok Control System.  The video is primarily focused on the systems use in the Theater, where Performance Flyer and Aerial Artistry is often applied. Click the button below to see Raynok in Motion.

Raynok Hardware is where the cue data is processed and turned into motion.


Trust Raynok to Your Vision and Performer Flying.

Always Precise





and Tough

Motion Control and the Art of Movement

Aerial Artistry

The demands of performer flying on the artist, operator and the creator are always high. Not just any Motion Control System will do.

Trust Raynok for your Art of Movement.


Motion Control Environments

KAOS Nightclub

KAOS NIGHTCLUB at the Palms Resort and Casino, letting the room set the mood with panels that mystically change from video to a mirrored ceiling.

Raynok Product Directories

Hardware Products

Where the heavy lifting of any control system is done. Motion Control. Motor Control. Speed Control. Direction Control. Safety Control. All neatly packaged together…

Software Products

UI, APP, GUI, whatever you call it the software of any product or system is the gateway to the user’s exploration of the systems within. It as at this point that the user of…

MK2 Motion Control Console


At the front end of the user experience is the motion console. This is where the motion control system is made accessible. Motion console operators need to be provided…

engineering the art of movement