Embracing Innovation without a Machinery Revamp

Behind the scenes of many theatres hides a complex array of machinery and technology that is used to immerse the audience into another world. Stage lifts or elevators, turntables, winches, hoists, are just a few of the elements commonly referred to as stage automation or just automation.

Over time, this equipment will begin to show signs of wear and tear of aging creating a dilemma on how to keep the machinery operating reliably, efficiently, and of foremost concern to many theatres – economically. Motors, gearboxes, sprockets, chains, and pulleys are manufactured to specifications that provide reliable service for years of daily use in industrial applications. Yet in a theatrical application they may only operate for minutes a week, leaving countless hours of unrealized application use untapped.


Get New Life with a Raynok Motion Control System Upgrade!

Niscon has restored previously well-maintained machinery to full use that was 5, 10, 15, even 50 years old by adding a new Raynok Motion Control System. Restoring old machinery has saved these theatres tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The process starts with an inspection of the machinery and controls currently in operation. A use case is developed to ensure that each machine will perform as well or better than it did before.

Then it is off to the engineering phase to prepare an assortment of drawings and procedures to provide the automation system owner with many more years of quality enjoyment of their investment. Installation will replace any worn out electro-mechanical devices, test maintenance procedures, and finally introduce the new controls to the old machinery.

By extending the lifespan of existing machinery, owners can allocate resources strategically, ensuring a gradual and well-thought-out transition to modernizing all staging machinery. This approach not only safeguards the financial health of the theater or production house but also allows for a more measured decision-making process. Moreover, using Raynok empowers theaters to stay at the forefront of innovation without compromising the quality of their productions or use of their space. The flexibility and adaptability of this technology mean that no show is compromised while gradually phasing in updates at your pace. The transition becomes a gentle evolution rather than a forced transformation.

The cost benefit does not stop at the retention of the old machinery. It continues onwards with improvements to operational efficiency, safety, and reliability. Less downtime means more revenue time and more revenue time means more opportunity.

So, keep that old machinery and give it new life with a Raynok Motion Control System upgrade!


Raynok Motion Control in The Theatre

From the stage manager’s first GO to lift the curtain to the final scene, Raynok has the experience to control every move on every machine needed to present a theatrical experience.

Breeze through the creation period with our intuitive UI; explore our advanced safety features; enjoy the confidence in reliability; the only limit is your imagination.


Raynok Product Directories

Hardware Products

Where the heavy lifting of any control system is done. Motion Control. Motor Control. Speed Control. Direction Control. Safety Control. All neatly packaged together…

Software Products

UI, APP, GUI, whatever you call it the software of any product or system is the gateway to the user’s exploration of the systems within. It as at this point that the user of…

MK2 Motion Control Console


At the front end of the user experience is the motion console. This is where the motion control system is made accessible. Motion console operators need to be provided…

engineering the art of movement